Hello Everyone,
Thank you for your kind words, emails, phone calls, stories, cards, and thoughts of consolation and sympathy. Every single one of you has helped cushion my grief of losing Shirley. I hope I can thank you in person for everything you are doing for me and for everything you have done for Shirley. To that end....

You are invited to an open house and convivial celebration of Shirley's life. 
Please come for a delicious lunch, a sweet treat, and ringing of bells.
Please bring a bell if you have one, or ring one of the many bells provided.
Please bring a picture or memento to share for display on the "Shirley Table".
Ring a bell, tell a story, visit.

Shirley's Celebration

Sunday, October 10, 12-3 p.m.
Martha Pardo's Home
10346 Rossbury Pl
Los Angeles, CA

Please RSVP to me via email or phone by October 3.

If you cannot attend, I hope you will ring a bell wherever you are. Or light a candle. Or simply remember a special moment you had with Shirley. Please be sure to let Shirley's friends know about the celebration. It would be a big help to me since I do not have everyone's addresses and phone numbers.

Peace and Love,
Betty (Shirley's daughter)
[email protected]
715-682-3272 (now until September 25 and after October 13)
310-836-6467 (September 26-Oct 13)